Package net.phys2d.raw.collide

Interface Summary
Collider The description of any geometry collision resolver.

Class Summary
BoxBoxCollider The implementation of box to box collision.
BoxCircleCollider A collider for boxes hitting circles.
CircleBoxCollider A collider for circles hitting boxes, Circle = BodyA, Box = BodyB The create() method is used as a factory incase this class should ever become stateful.
CircleCircleCollider A collider for circle 2 circle collisions The create() method is used as a factory just in case this class becomes stateful eventually.
ColliderFactory A collider factory to create colliders for arbitrary bodies, or actually their shapes.
EdgeSweep Implements a sweepline algorithm that facilitates collision detection between two polygons.
FeaturePair An identifier for a pair of edges between two bodies.
Intersection Class representing a single intersection.
IntersectionGatherer This is a very important class for collision detection between polygons for several reasons: First of all, it checks two edges for intersections.
LineBoxCollider The logic for checking lines against boxes
LineCircleCollider Collision routines betwene a circle and a line.
LineLineCollider Collides two lines with oneanother.
LinePolygonCollider Collider for a Line and a Convex Polygon.
PenetrationSweep This class will, given an intersection pair (an ingoing and outgoing intersection), calculate the penetration depth.
PolygonBoxCollider Collide a Convex Polygon with a Box.
PolygonCircleCollider Collide a circle with a convex polygon
PolygonPolygonCollider Collision detection functions for colliding two polygons.
SwapCollider A collider wrapper that swaps the collision result of the collider.

Exception Summary
ColliderUnavailableException An exception that is thrown by the ColliderFactory when no suitable collider has been found.