Package net.phys2d.raw

Interface Summary
BroadCollisionStrategy A description of any strategy for determining which bodies should be compared against each other for collision - some times referred to as the broad phase.
CollisionContext The description of a class which can compute the collisions of a set of bodies.
CollisionListener A description of class that can recieve notifications of collisions within a CollisionSpace
Joint A joint connecting two bodies

Class Summary
AngleJoint A joint that constrains the angle two bodies can be at in relation to each other.
Arbiter A arbiter resolving contacts between a pair of bodies
ArbiterList A typed list of Arbiter
BasicJoint A joint between two bodies.
Body A single body within the physics model
BodyList A typed list of Body
Collide A static utility for resolve the collision between shapes TODO: make this nonstatic to allow a user to provide his/her own factory
CollisionEvent An event describing a collision between two bodies
CollisionSpace A space that will resolve collisions and report them to registered listeners.
ConstrainingJoint A joint which only applys forces when the bodie's attempt to get too far apart, as suggested by Jesse on:
Contact A description of a single contact point between two bodies
DistanceJoint A joint that constrains the distance that two bodies can be from each other
ElasticJoint A joint between two bodies.
FixedAngleJoint A joint that will maintain a fixed angle between two bodies
FixedJoint A joint between two bodies.
JointList A typed list of type Joint
SlideJoint Create a joint that keeps the distance between two bodies in a given range
SpringJoint A joint representing a spring.
SpringyAngleJoint A joint providing a springy resistance between bodies.
StaticBody A body that will not move
World The physics model in which the bodies exist.